5 Simple R Functions to Know Your Data Better
It only takes 5 simple R functions to understand data for better decision making.
Use Case 1: IT Salary Survey EU 2020
The data source for this use case is obtained from the below kaggle url
R Function #1
> Salary = data.frame(read.csv(“Salary.csv”))
> str(Salary)
‘data.frame’: 1253 obs. of 23 variables:
There are 1253 observations(rows) with 23 variables(columns)
> which.max(Salary$Age)
[1] 1104
> Salary$Age[1104]
[1] 69
The maximum age of IT professional is 69
R Function #2
> names(Salary)[names(Salary) == “Annual.brutto.salary..without.bonus.and.stocks..one.year.ago..Only.answer.if.staying.in.the.same.country”] <- “AnnualSalary”
> which.max(Salary$AnnualSalary)
[1] 854
> Salary$AnnualSalary[854]
[1] 500000000
> which.min(Salary$AnnualSalary)
[1] 713
> Salary$AnnualSalary[713]
[1] 11000
> plot(x=Salary$Age, y=Salary$AnnualSalary, xlab=”Age”, ylab=”Salary”, type=”l”)
We obtain below scatter plot by removing the anamoly
> plot(x=Salary$Age, y=Salary$AnnualSalary, xlab=”Age”, ylab=”Salary”, ylim=c(0, 500000))
R Function #3
> hist(Salary$AnnualSalary, xlab=”Salary group”, main=”IT Salaries”)
> hist(Salary$Age, xlab=”Age group”, main=”IT Age Group”)
R Function #4
> boxplot(Salary$Age, main = “IT Age Range”, ylab = “Age”)
> boxplot(Salary$AnnualSalary, main = “IT AnnualSalary Range”, ylab = “AnnualSalary”)
The above box plot doesnot showcase the median, 1'st and 3'rd quartile of IT Employee’s annual salary. Lets remove the anamoly and box plot by providing salary range in the y-axis.
> boxplot(Salary$AnnualSalary, main = “IT AnnualSalary Range”, ylab = “AnnualSalary”, ylim=c(0,500000))
R Function #5
Below tapply command finds the average Salary by age
> tapply(Salary$AnnualSalary, Salary$Age, mean)
43 years old Average Salary= 7786049 years old Average Salary = 61500
50 years old Average Salary =28800
51 years old Average Salary = 50000
54 years old Average Salary = 95000
59 years old Average Salary = 69000
65 years old Average Salary = 50000
66 years old Average Salary = 50000
Use Case 2: Air Traffic Passenger List
The data source for this use case is obtained from the below kaggle url
R Function #1
>AirTraffic = data.frame(read.csv(“AirTraffic.csv”))
> str(AirTraffic)
‘data.frame’: 680985 obs. of 16 variables:
There are 680985 observations(rows) with 16 variables(columns)
> which.max(AirTraffic$Total)
[1] 680985
> AirTraffic$Total[680985]
[1] 150195
The maximum number of Air Traffic passenger flown by air carrier is 150195
R Function #2
> plot(x=AirTraffic$Year, y=AirTraffic$Total, xlab=”Year”, ylab=”No of Passengers”, type=”l”)
The above scatter plot shows the reduction in the number of passengers for the year 2020 due to covid19
R Function #3
>hist(AirTraffic$Scheduled, xlab=”Metric Flown”, main=”Air Traffic”)
R Function #4
> boxplot(AirTraffic$Total, main = “Air Traffic”, ylab = “Total Flown Metric”)
R Function #5
Below tapply command finds the average flown metrics by year
> tapply(AirTraffic$Total, AirTraffic$Year, mean)
2014 = 7426.3462015 = 7511.870
2016 = 7563.536
2017 =7604.168
2018 = 7845.246
2019 = 8024.988
2020 = 5809.144
Understanding data not only improves domain knowledge but also acts as the fuel to improve data engineering and machine learning projects.
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